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The Healthy foods to eat

There are six types of nutrients available to human to make him function well. They are proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water.

Proteins: Proteins build the body cells and repair damage tissues, which are regularly destroyed in the body. Protein can be gotten through foods like beans, fish, eggs, milk, poultry, meat, nuts, yoghurt etc.

Carbohydrates: Man derives most of the energy he needs from carbohydrates. Carbohydrates provide calories that could be converted to energy needed by the body to function well. Nutritionists say it comprises simple and complex carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates include biscuits and chocolate. Examples of complex carbohydrates are yam, garri, rice, semovita, fruits, breads, starchy vegetables, sugar etc. People who want to shed weight would prefer carbohydrates in their diet.

Fats: Although, many people say wrong things about fats, human bodies need fat to survive. What is important is that intake of fried food as much as possible reduce fats in the body, notably high fat meats and full full-fat diary. Fats from plant sources are preferable to those from animal sources such as meat and milk. One can take nuts, avocado and seeds.

Vitamins: These are essential to fitness of human bodies. Vitamin C is vital for the synthesis of collagen. Collagen gives structure to blood vessels, bone and ligaments. Vitamin D is required to maintain calcium homeostasis. Nutritionists says the body requires about 13 vitamins. Fruits, eggs, turkey, fish and vegetables are some vital sources of vitamins.

Minerals: They help the cells to function normally. Some examples are sodium, potassium. The latter maintains fluid volumes inside and outside of cells and curtail rise of blood pressure. Foods like banana, tomatoes and tomatoes are sources of minerals. Also Calcium helps to keep and build strong bones. Examples are milk, low fat cheese and yogurt.

Water: Although it does not provide nutrients, water is important for the human body. It is important to note that the human body is made up of two-thirds water and if a man is to remain healthy, he needs to maintain this balance. It is advisable that one should drink about eight glasses of water daily in other to keep the organs hydrated to enable them function maximally. Also, toxins and impurities in the body are also expelled by water. Food and fruits like watermelon, soup (high-moisture) and beverages contain water and contribute to the body water requirement.

Nutritionists advised that each of the types of food should be present in our meal to keep our bodies well. All this, however, depend on where you live and their availability.

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